المهندسين المحاصيل الحيوانات الدواجن الصناعات

Market Labor Study for the Agriculture Sector دراسة سوق العمل لقطاع الزراعة

دراسة سوق العمل لقطاع الزراعة

Market Labor Study for the Agriculture Sector دراسة سوق العمل لقطاع الزراعة

Market Labor Study for the Agriculture Sector

دراسة سوق العمل لقطاع الزراعة

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Gaza Strip has been suffering from different agents that have brought its economy to ruin, the most alarming one being unemployment. In 2020, unemployment levels have reached an unprecedented rate of over %45. Although there are many factors that increased the severity of unemployment, there is one in particular that should be recognized: the mismatch between education and the labor market, or what is known as the ‘skill gap’, especially when it comes to the agriculture sector. Although the agriculture sector has long been involved in the Palestinian GDP and has provided a cushion against the volatility of the market, there has not been enough attention directed towards its development as its share in the economy stands between %4 to %5. Furthermore, due to stigma and distortions in the labor market, vocational training has been receiving very little attention from donors, the government, people and the PS. From our interactions with experts in the field, we realized that there is potential to contain the high unemployment levels and build a stronger, more stable economy. We saw that we have to build on the attempts of INGOs to promote TVET as the pillar of change.